Tuesday 26 September 2017

Professional practice

Professional Animation

For our professional animation project, we will be creating an animation for the Peter Mcverry trust. The Peter Mcverry trust is a charity organisation who work trying to fix Dublin's homelessness crisis. The Peter Mcverry trust was founded by father, Peter Mcverry in 1979 when he spotted a 9 year old boy sleeping rough on the streets, Peter Mcverry decided to help the young boy and other young boys sleeping rough in the streets by opening a homeless shelter for boys from the ages of 12 to 16. From then on the trust has grown and grown as they try to reach their goal of ending the homeless crisis in Dublin.

Myself and my class have been given an opportunity to help out the Peter Mcverry trust fund by helping promote the trust with an animation. We have been handed a few sets of audios compiling of a few men who have been supported by the fund in finally getting their own house and getting off the streets, with the audios we will make an original animation between 15 and 30 seconds long trying to bring more social notice to this homelessness epidemic the Peter Mcverry trust are trying to prevent.

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