Tuesday 26 September 2017

Peter Mcverry animation, research

I've been looking at Japanese ink and water style animation, i think this style would work really nice between blending scenes into each other quickly.

I found a video on vimeo called CCTV ink which is the style I think i would like to try experiment with. https://vimeo.com/6794856 
In one of the pieces of audio we received from the Peter Mcverry trust a man called Barry talks about spending 20 years in a jail cell and now he has his own home, I think using that audio i could start with a shot of the jail cell then using an ink reveal effect the background of the jail cell could turn into a house. I like the idea of having solid characters with a blended ink style in the background.

Image result for chinese ink animation

Image result for chinese ink animationRelated image
Image result for ink and water animation

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Image result for japanese ink style animation

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