Monday, 25 September 2017

Story Premise

M O’Brien

Degree story premise

A balloon …who is tired of being held down gets released by a young boy.
The balloon proceeds to rise up and up until a gust of wind begins to set the tale of the balloon on and unknown path to discover itself and experience new surroundings. The gust of wind drags the balloon into a dark dreary forest full of overshadowing trees, the only light source is that of the full moon above beaming through the cracks in the tree’s reflecting off the fallen leaves on the floor, for the first time the balloon experiences fear. The balloon panics and begins to float further and further into the dark unknown forest. The light source begins to be overshadowed by a mountain laying at the depths of the forest.
                                                     The balloon then plucks up enough courage to proceed up this mountain wary of the unknown laying beyond. Once the balloon reaches the top of the mountain the fear he had felt quickly fades and turns into bewilderment the balloon gazes over an area covered in high buildings beaming with light and excitement, the balloon floats down into this busy built up city experiencing a range of new emotions and cultures, the balloon floats through the city enticed by its new surroundings.

                                                      Happiness overwhelms the balloon as he slowly drifts up along the skyline of the mesmerizing bright lights of the city and floats away into the night sky.

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