Wednesday 7 March 2018

Scene 1 establishing shot comparison

For my opening scene of the establishing shot of the pub exterior, once again, in trying to stick to the same style for the movie throughout i referenced Javier Pineda's portfolio "The Pubs", the pallet and style of the building he has in this image is the look i am trying to achieve with my background showcase. I particularily the simplistic windows to the pub i feel it makes your focus on the little details in the image instead of all the windows. I have not yet added a colour pallet to my image fully.

The image below is an idea from Disney's "Art in the Hole" from 1955, from this image I structured my composition around. The way the water splits the screen for the viewers eye to follow i think is perfect, Also the Rock at the foreground and the mountains in the background give a great depth of feel to the image make it feel like the environment is as big as intended by the artist, i am trying to recreate this composition technique using the shrubs in the forground and the mountains in the background of my image. 

Javier Pineda

Michael O'Brien
Disney Background Art The hole idea, 1955 (layoutsDisney, Art in the hole

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